Report your NAIA & Special Olympics activity

All engagements between NAIA and Special Olympics should be reported through this form. Only one person needs to fill out this report per engagement.

What's an engagement?

  • hosting a Special Olympics event
  • participating in a Special Olympics event
  • hosting a Teaming Up for Character event
  • participating in Unified College Championship Week
  • volunteering
  • fundraising
  • advocacy

THANK YOU! These submissions are valuable so we can track and share partnership engagement, and continue to promote quality engagements over time.

Questions? Reach out to

First and last

What did you do?

Share about the experience.

Were there any notable outcomes?

Please list the number of people, and their roles.

EXAMPLE: 5 coaches, 1 athletic director, 30 general-body students (not student athletes)

Please round to the nearest half hour.

Share any high-quality photos from your event! We may use these for promotional materials or story write-ups. *Special Olympics and/or NAIA may contact you if they will be used for these purposes.

Drag and drop files here or